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#Patterns#Patterns for kids#Simplicity patterns#Children

Babies´ Top, Trousers, Bib, and Blanket Wrap

Product no. 33336

Simplicity no: 1564

Company: Simplicity

Adorable babies´ top with Trousers that feature optional footie´s. Caplet, bib and blanket perfect for swaddling. Simplicity sewing pattern.

Simplicity patterns have instructions in English and Spanish only.

Size: 3-6-12-18 m
(EU size: 3-6-12-18 m)

13.28 €
Quantity (pcs)

Adorable babies´ top with Trousers that feature optional footie´s. Caplet, bib and blanket perfect for swaddling. Simplicity sewing pattern.
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